

We are always happy to receive feedback on The Bible Scroll and include below some of the comments we have received so far. 

The Bible – A Timeline Exposition


This beautifully crafted chart, some 3.5 metres long and .5m wide represents a lifetime’s study by Ted Bate, now in his mid 90’s.


The chart has clearly been worked and re-worked over the years to produce the systematically coloured and structured exposition seen today.


The work reveals the author’s diligent research and understanding of the Bible and its contents. Ted is particularly keen to show how the coming of Christ has been woven into the message of the Bible and especially in the Old Testament.


The chart’s timeline covers the whole period of Biblical history from creation to the 2nd coming and beyond.


A great deal of space is taken up with the creation narrative, as the author seeks to align the Biblical text to aspects of scientific thinking including evolution but seeing this as being initiated by God. This view of the Genesis account is one of several different interpretations.   


Similarly, the chart follows the author’s own interpretation of the book of Revelation, which again is one of many.


The main body of the chart is an excellent overview of the Old Testament books which show the sequence of kings and prophets.  Selected historical events are noted or described which help to set the biblical stories in context.


Whilst some of the notes could perhaps be in larger print, possibly making the

document much longer and wider, the chart would be a very useful tool to introduce people to the Bible, by giving them a graphic overview. It would also be a useful tool in for example a Bible School or Bible course; again for its overview but also for stimulating discussions on aspects of interpretation of e.g. Genesis 1 and Revelation.


Overall this is a magnificent achievement and worthy of a wider audience.


J D Swift M.A (Pastoral Ministry)

February 2019

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